Types of Computer Networks

1-Personal Area Network .
2-Local Area Network.
3- Campus Area Nwtwork
4- Metropoliton Area Network
5- Wide Area Network

1- Personal Area Network

Personal Area Network connect the computer in the region upto 100 m which is approximately within a room.It's transmission speed is really high. A private owner will own this network and its MAintainance is very easy. Error rate is also very low.
A real life example of Personal Area network is "Bluetooth" Which we used to use in your early ages to send the data amoung different nearby devices.

2- Local Area Network

Local Area Network connect the computer in the region upto 2 km which is approximately within a office or building.It's transmission speed is really high. A private owner will own this network and its MAintainance is easy. Error rate is also very low.
A real life example of Local Area network is "wifi" Which we used to connect nodes to the internet.

3- Campus Area Network

Campus Area Network connect the computer in the region upto 1-5 km which is approximately within a university.It's transmission speed is high. A private owner will own this network and its MAintainance is moderate neither easy nor difficult. Error rate is also very moderate.
A real life example of Campus Area network is "Eithernet".

4- Metropolitan Area Network

Metropolitan Area Network connect the computer in the region upto 5-50 km which is approximately within a city.It's transmission speed is average. A private/public owner will own this network and its MAintainance is difficult. Error rate is also high here.
A real life example of Personal Area network is "ATM".

5- Wide Area Network

Wide Area Network connect the computer in the region above 50 km which is approximately within countries.It's transmission speed is really low. A private/public owner will own this network and its MAintainance is very difficult. Error rate is also very high.
A real life example of Personal Area network is "Dial up".