1-Personal Area Network .2-Local Area Network.3- Campus Area Nwtwork 4- Metropoliton Area Network5- Wide Area Network
Personal Area Network connect the computer in the region upto 100 m which is approximately within a room.It's transmission speed is really high. A private owner will own this network and its MAintainance is very easy. Error rate is also very low.A real life example of Personal Area network is "Bluetooth" Which we used to use in your early ages to send the data amoung different nearby devices.
Local Area Network connect the computer in the region upto 2 km which is approximately within a office or building.It's transmission speed is really high. A private owner will own this network and its MAintainance is easy. Error rate is also very low.A real life example of Local Area network is "wifi" Which we used to connect nodes to the internet.
Campus Area Network connect the computer in the region upto 1-5 km which is approximately within a university.It's transmission speed is high. A private owner will own this network and its MAintainance is moderate neither easy nor difficult. Error rate is also very moderate.A real life example of Campus Area network is "Eithernet".
Metropolitan Area Network connect the computer in the region upto 5-50 km which is approximately within a city.It's transmission speed is average. A private/public owner will own this network and its MAintainance is difficult. Error rate is also high here.A real life example of Personal Area network is "ATM".
Wide Area Network connect the computer in the region above 50 km which is approximately within countries.It's transmission speed is really low. A private/public owner will own this network and its MAintainance is very difficult. Error rate is also very high.A real life example of Personal Area network is "Dial up".